Quick WalletAn easy access account that you can easily access to make payments quickly.Just like wallet is to your bank account, LR's Wallet allows you to keep a small balance handy for quick payments, while keeping the bulk of your balance in your main Liberty Reserve account. | Live ChatHave questions? Liberty Reserve provides personal, live, one-to-one chat with a customer support representative to answer your questions. No more waiting hours or days to get a simple question answered. Our representatives can also push a URL onto your computer as a pop-up so that you do not have to go looking for a particular link.You can also get the chat history automatically emailed to you! |
Private Payment OptionUnique to Liberty Reserve, truly private payments.You now have the option of making your payment to any other account without revealing your account number - recipient will not see the account number you have sent funds from. | Active securityStop Account feature and hacker proof Login page with a custom welcome message that you select yourself in order to see that you are logged in to a genuine Liberty Reserve web site. We do more than anyone else to protect your money. |
Free Private MessagingYour Liberty Reserve account is not just for sending or receiving payments. Create an account and use the built-in messaging system to privately send and receive messages from your friends and business associates. This is much more private and secure than email or instant messenger services. | Business SCI/APIThe most advanced and secure tools and scripts that allow your business to securely receive, verify and send funds to other Liberty Reserve members. |
Liberty Reserve
How to resize a partition in Windows Vista
To resize a partition with Windows Vista, follow these steps:
Be sure to back up any valuable information, because there is a slight chance that data can be lost when dealing with partitions.
1) Click on the Start menu
2) Right click on Computer and click on Manage
4) In the left pane, open up the Storage category and click on Disk Management
6) Click on Extend Volume or Shrink Volume to extend or shrink the selected partition.
If this doesn’t work for you because some options were greyed out, you can check out this post for an alternate method.Still need help? Check out our new forums where you can get an even faster and better response!
How Does the Welchia Worm Infect My Computer?
How Does the Welchia Worm Infect My Computer?
Copies itself to the Wins directory in the System or System32 folder in Windows usually
C:\Windows\System32\Wins\Dllhost.exe for Windows XP or
C:\WinNT\System32\Wins\Dllhost.exe for Windows NT/2000
There is a legitimate file called Dllhost.exe (about 5-6K) in the System32 directory.
Makes a copy of the TFTP server (TFTPD.exe) from the Dllcache directory to the following directories.
C:\Windows\System32\Wins\svchost.exe for Windows XP or
C:\WinNT\System32\Wins\svchost.exe for Windows NT/2000
NOTE: Svchost.exe is a legitimate program, which is not malicious, found in the System32 directory
Creates the following services:
Service Name: RpcTftpd
Display Name: Network Connections Sharing
File: %System%\wins\svchost.exe
This service will be set to start manually.
Service Name: RpcPatch
Display Name: WINS Client
File: %System%\wins\dllhost.exe
This service will be set to start automatically.
Ends the process, MSBLAST, and delete the file %System%\msblast.exe which is dropped by the worm, MSBlast.A. First, it checks the operating system version, then it downloads the appropriate patch from the designated Microsoft Web site. After executing the patch, it reboots the system.
Some of the patches it downloads into the system are as follows:
The downloaded patch has the file name, RpcServicePack.exe. This worm deletes this file after it is run.
Before downloading or installing the patch on the system, this worm first checks if the system has been previously patched by checking for specific registry keys to make sure the patch hasnt been installed.
The worm travels through a computer network or local area network looking for unpatched and vulnerable machines. The worm will use a ping to determine if the active machine is on a network.Once the worm identifies a machine as being active on the network, it will either send data to TCP port 135, which exploits the DCOM RPC vulnerability, or it will send data to TCP port 80 to exploit the WebDav vulnerability.
Creates a remote shell on the vulnerable host that will connect back to the attacking computer on a random TCP port between 666 and 765 to receive instructions.
Launches the TFTP server on the attacking machine, instructs the victim machine to connect and download Dllhost.exe and Svchost.exe from the attacking machine. If the file, %System%\dllcache\tftpd.exe exists, the worm may not download svchost.exe.
Copies itself to the Wins directory in the System or System32 folder in Windows usually
C:\Windows\System32\Wins\Dllhost.exe for Windows XP or
C:\WinNT\System32\Wins\Dllhost.exe for Windows NT/2000
There is a legitimate file called Dllhost.exe (about 5-6K) in the System32 directory.
Makes a copy of the TFTP server (TFTPD.exe) from the Dllcache directory to the following directories.
C:\Windows\System32\Wins\svchost.exe for Windows XP or
C:\WinNT\System32\Wins\svchost.exe for Windows NT/2000
NOTE: Svchost.exe is a legitimate program, which is not malicious, found in the System32 directory
Creates the following services:
Service Name: RpcTftpd
Display Name: Network Connections Sharing
File: %System%\wins\svchost.exe
This service will be set to start manually.
Service Name: RpcPatch
Display Name: WINS Client
File: %System%\wins\dllhost.exe
This service will be set to start automatically.
Ends the process, MSBLAST, and delete the file %System%\msblast.exe which is dropped by the worm, MSBlast.A. First, it checks the operating system version, then it downloads the appropriate patch from the designated Microsoft Web site. After executing the patch, it reboots the system.
Some of the patches it downloads into the system are as follows:
The downloaded patch has the file name, RpcServicePack.exe. This worm deletes this file after it is run.
Before downloading or installing the patch on the system, this worm first checks if the system has been previously patched by checking for specific registry keys to make sure the patch hasnt been installed.
The worm travels through a computer network or local area network looking for unpatched and vulnerable machines. The worm will use a ping to determine if the active machine is on a network.Once the worm identifies a machine as being active on the network, it will either send data to TCP port 135, which exploits the DCOM RPC vulnerability, or it will send data to TCP port 80 to exploit the WebDav vulnerability.
Creates a remote shell on the vulnerable host that will connect back to the attacking computer on a random TCP port between 666 and 765 to receive instructions.
Launches the TFTP server on the attacking machine, instructs the victim machine to connect and download Dllhost.exe and Svchost.exe from the attacking machine. If the file, %System%\dllcache\tftpd.exe exists, the worm may not download svchost.exe.
Menghilangkan cvlu.exe
I. click Start > Run.. ketik MSCONFIG. Pada tab startup hilangkan check (V) pada CVLU.EXE. Lalu lihat alamat tempat file CVLU.EXE ditempatkan. Itu induk dari virus tersebut.
II. tekan kombinasi tombol CTRL+ALT+DELETE satu kali untuk membuka Task Manager. Pada tab process, kill process CVLU.EXE.
III. delete file CVLU.EXE pada lokasi yang ditunjukkan oleh MSCONFIG tadi.. tenang, virus itu sudah non-aktif sekarang.
IV. delete CVLU.EXE pada Removable Disk lalu delete AUTORUN.INF.
Setelah itu copy seluruh data anda dari Removable Disk ke satu folder di HDD, lalu format Removable Disk anda. Masukkan kembali file² yang ada.. selesai..
II. tekan kombinasi tombol CTRL+ALT+DELETE satu kali untuk membuka Task Manager. Pada tab process, kill process CVLU.EXE.
III. delete file CVLU.EXE pada lokasi yang ditunjukkan oleh MSCONFIG tadi.. tenang, virus itu sudah non-aktif sekarang.
IV. delete CVLU.EXE pada Removable Disk lalu delete AUTORUN.INF.
Setelah itu copy seluruh data anda dari Removable Disk ke satu folder di HDD, lalu format Removable Disk anda. Masukkan kembali file² yang ada.. selesai..
How do I determine if my BlackBerry is "unlocked"?
How do I determine if my BlackBerry is "unlocked"?
From BlackBerryFAQ
To determine if your BlackBerry is "unlocked" for use on carriers other than for which it is branded:1. On your BlackBerry, go to Options > Advanced Options > Sim Card.
2. At that screen type MEPD (see note below) on your keyboard. A new menu will pop up.
- If your BlackBerry has a SureType keyboard (71xx and 81xx devices) you will need to double-tap the P, so the actual keys entered become M E P P D.
4. If your device is "unlocked", it should say Disabled or Inactive. If it says Active, it's still locked to that carrier.
Images of Locked Device
Images of Unlocked Device
Depresi Pasca Melahirkan dan Baby Blues
Depresi Pasca Melahirkan dan Baby Blues
04 March 2007
Wanita yang baru melahirkan kadang mengalami perasaan yang tak menentu. Satu waktu wanita tersebut merasa senang, tiba-tiba perasaannya berubah menjadi sedih. Kadang hal tersebut disertai oleh turunnya nafsu makan, sulit tidur, bahkan sulit berkonsentrasi. Gejala ini biasanya muncul 3-4 hari setelah melahirkan dan bisa berlangsung selama beberapa hari. Tapi apakah hal tersebut wajar? 04 March 2007
Jika Anda baru saja menjadi ibu dan mengalami hal tersebut, itu berarti Anda mengalami apa yang disebut sebagai baby blues. Hal ini sering dianggap sebagai hal yang wajar terjadi pada awal-awal seseorang menjadi ibu dan biasanya akan hilang setelah 10 hari. Namun pada beberapa wanita hal ini berlangsung lebih lama dan lebih parah sehingga mengarah pada depresi. Inilah yang disebut “sindrom depresi pasca melahirkan”.
Apakah Sindrom Depresi Pasca Melahirkan itu?
Depresi Pasca melahirkan merupakan suatu penyakit, sama seperti diabetes atau penyakit jantung. Oleh sebab itu bisa disembuhkan dengan terapi, konseling, dan pemberian obat antidepresi. Untuk mengetahui sindrom ini, sebaiknya Anda mengetahui dahulu beberapa gejala depresi pasca melahirkan:
- Hilangnya ketertarikan terhadap hidup.
- Hilangnya nafsu makan.
- Energi dan motivasi berkurang sehingga sulit melakukan kegiatan.
- Mengalami sulit tidur atau justru tidur lebih lama dari biasanya.
- Mudah menangis atu merasa sedih.
- Merasa tak berharga, tak punya harapan, atau merasa bersalah yang berlebihan.
- Merasa lelah, mudah tersinggung dan cemas.
- Mengalami penurunan atau kenaikan berat badan tanpa sebab yang jelas.
- Merasa hidupnya tak menyenangkan.
- Memiliki pikiran untuk menyakiti diri sendiri.
- Khawatir berlebihan akan menyakiti bayinya.
Dalam beberapa kasus, ada wanita yang baru merasakan depresi setelah berminggu-minggu atau berbulan-bulan sehabis melahirkan. Biasanya depresi yang terjadi dalam jangka waktu 6 bulan setelah proses persalinan termasuk dalam kategori depresi pasca melahirkan.
Siapa yang Berisiko Terkena?
Depresi Pasca Melahirkan biasanya dialami oleh wanita dengan criteria sebagai berikut:
- Pernah mengalami depresi pasca melahirkan.
- Pernah mengalami depresi yang tak berhubungan dengan kehamilan.
- Mengalami sakit sebelum datang bulan yang parah.
- Perkawinan yang bermasalah.
- Hanya memiliki sedikit keluarga atau teman yang bisa diandalkan atau diajak bicara.
- Memiliki hidup yang penuh tekanan selama kehamilan atau setelah melahirkan.
Mengapa Banyak Wanita Mengalami Depresi Pasca Melahirkan?
Penyebab pastinya belum diketahui. Tingkat hormon mengalami perubahan selama kehamilan dan setelah melahirkan. Hormon-hormon tersebut dapat mengakibatkan perubahan zat kimia pada otak dan hal tersebut berperan dalam terjadinya depresi.
Jika Anda mengalami depresi, bukan berarti Anda adalah orang yang tidak baik. Jadi, jangan menyalahkan diri sendiri karena itu justru akan membuat kesehatan Anda lebih buruk.
Apa yang Harus Dilakukan Jika Menderita Depresi Pasca Melahirkan?
Jika Anda baru melahirkan dan merasa sedih, cemas, mudah tersinggung, lekas lelah atau salah satu dari gejala yang disebut sebelumnya, ingatlah bahwa banyak wanita yang mengalami hal yang sama. Anda tidaklah gila atau kehilangan akal sehat, dan Anda tak perlu merasa sendirian. Berikut ini ada beberapa tips yang dirasa dapat membantu meringankan depresi pasca melahirkan:
- Bicarakan tentang perasaan Anda pada seseorang yang dapat mendengar Anda.
- Pekerjakan orang yang dapat membantu Anda mengurus bayi dan menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumah tangga. Ini bisa membuat Anda bisa sedikit bersantai dan beristirahat.
- Cari waktu untuk diri sendiri, walau hanya 15 menit dalam sehari. Anda bsia membaca, berolahraga, berendam, atau bermeditasi.
- Tulislah buku harian sebagai sarana untuk mengungkapkan perasaan Anda. Ketika sudah merasa lebih baik, baca kembali buku harian tersebut untuk mengingatkan betapa Anda telah berada dalam keadaan yang lebih baik.
- Jangan merasa sedih atau marah jika hanya dapat menyelesaikan satu pekerjaan dalam satu hari.
- Anda tidak perlu menjadi “supermom”. Jika Anda merasa butuh bantuan, beritahukan orang-orang terdekat Anda.
- Bicarakan hal ini dengan dokter Anda. Dia akan merujuk Anda untuk mengikuti terapi atau meminum obat tertentu yang dapat membantu Anda.
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